Miguel Vásquez
Miguel Vásquez is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy at Universidad Complutense de Madrid. His PhD. dissertation was about political science in early modern philosophy, specifically on Machiavelli, Hobbes and Spinoza. He started his career as an assistant professor at Universidad Central de Venezuela (2006) under the supervision of Alfredo Vallota and Ezra Heymann, former student of H.G. Gadamer at Heidelberg University. He was also appointed as a lecturer at the Faculty of Law at Universidad Monteávila (Caracas-Venezuela) from 2009 to 2015.
His research interest are: early modern political and epistemological thought, Latin American philosophical and political thought (specifically focused on Venezuela) and contemporary philosophy and its relationship with Literature and Cultural Studies. He has also published several essays on Latin American political and philosophical thought, early modern epistemology, cartesian thought and its relationship with sensory experience, the history of Venezuelan political thought, and the influence of Cartesian philosophy in contemporary thought.
He is founder and coordinator of the seminar Latin America in Perspective, which is focused on contemporary Latin-American thought and also co-director, with Jacques Lezra, of Policrits Research Group which is focused on the political dimension of contemporary philosophical, literary and poetical concepts. He is also part of Ontology and History of Present Research Group as well as Saavedra Fajardo VI Research Project and managing editor of Ingenium. Revista de Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología en Historia de las Ideas. He is currently working on two book manuscripts, one of them called Conversaciones sobre populismo y republicanismo, which consists in a group of interviews with scholars specialized on contemporary problems of populism and republicanism in the Euro-American context, and the other called Thick Populism which is mostly focused on contemporary Venezuelan cultural and political issues.
website: www.miguelev.com
Twitter: @MiguelEnriqueV