Raquel Rivas Rojas
Raquel Rivas Rojas is a writer, researcher, editor, translator and educator. She has a degree in Social Communication (Universidad Central de Venzuela, 1985), a masters in Latin American Literature (Universidad Simón Bolívar, 1992), and a PhD in Latin American Cultural Studies (King´s College London, 2001).
In her academic work, Rivas Rojas has published the books Sujetos, actos y textos de una identidad (1998), Bulla y buchiplumeo. Masificación cultural y recepción letrada en la Venezuela Gomecista (2002) and Narrar en dictadura (2011). She has also published numerous articles and book chapters on Venezuelan literature and culture, including “Ficciones diaspóricas: Identidad y participación en los blogs de tres desterradas venezolanas,” in Cuadernos de Literatura (2014) and “Ficciones de exilio o los fantasmas de la pertenencia en la literatura del exilio venezolano,” in the book Exilio y cosmopolitismo en el arte y la literatura hispánica, edited by Araceli Tinajero (2013).
As a creative writer, she has published the short story collection El patio del vecino (2013) and two crime novels Muerte en el Guaire (2016) and El accidente (2018). Her poetry translations frequently appear in Papel Literario and she is part of the translation collective Colaboratorio Ávila. She lives in Edinburgh and maintains the blog Cuentos de la Caldera Este.
Twitter: @RaquelRivasRoja