Photo of Claudia Cavallin

Claudia Cavallin Calanche

Claudia Cavallin Calanche is a writer and Lecturer in the Department of Languages and Literatures at Oklahoma State University. In Venezuela, she taught for many years firstly at the Universidad de Los Andes then at the Universidad Simón Bolívar. She holds a degree in Social Communication (Universidad de Los Andes, 1996), a master’s degree in Latin American and Caribbean Literature (ULA, 2000) and is currently a Ph.D. Candidate (ABD) in Modern Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics at the University of Oklahoma.

Claudia is the author of the books Ciudades de película: Ficciones urbanas del cine, la literatura y la música (Editorial Académica Española, 2012) and Espectros de la palabra. La metáfora en Borges: los juegos del lenguaje que hacen posible la configuración de un universo de imágenes recursivas (Editorial Académica Española, 2012). Many of her interviews with writers have been published in Latin American Literature Today. Between 2012 and 2015, she was director of the academic journal Estudios. Revista de Investigaciones Literarias y Culturales and is currently Media Manager for the magazine Carátula. 


Twitter: @ccavalli